ATMs in Thailand: A Detailed Guide for Foreigners (2024)


Thailand, often referred to as the “Land of Smiles”, welcomes millions of visitors and expatriates each year. Whether you’re here for leisure or have chosen to make this beautiful nation your second home, having access to your funds is paramount.

ATMs serve as the primary gateway for many to manage their finances while in Thailand. Yet, for foreigners, the process can sometimes be a tad different than what they’re used to in their home country.

This guide is designed to offer a practical and clear understanding of how ATMs in Thailand operate, ensuring you’re never left in a lurch when it comes to accessing or managing your money.


  • Thai ATMs are generally accessible and offer language options catering to global travelers.
  • ATMs in Thailand provide a variety of services, from cash withdrawals to bill payments.
  • Foreign card users should be wary of local and home bank charges when withdrawing from Thai ATMs.
  • Safety precautions such as inspecting card slots and shielding PIN entries are crucial for secure ATM usage.
  • Common ATM issues, like declined transactions, can be navigated with patience and local bank communication.
  • Familiarity with Thai Baht denominations and pre-travel preparations can optimize the ATM experience.

ATM Accessibility and Locations

Navigating a new country can be daunting, especially when you’re unsure where to access essential services. Fortunately, Thailand has a vast network of ATMs spread across the nation, ensuring convenience for both residents and visitors alike.

Distribution in Cities vs. Rural Areas

In major cities like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket, ATMs are ubiquitous. They can be found on busy streets, inside shopping malls, at convenience stores, and even some popular tourist spots. The frequency diminishes as you move towards rural areas, but they’re not entirely absent. In smaller towns and villages, ATMs are typically located near local banks, post offices, or main market areas.

Common Brands and Banks with ATMs

Thailand hosts a mix of local and international banks. Some of the prominent local banks include:

Additionally, international banks like HSBC and Citibank also have a presence, albeit more limited compared to local banks.

Spotting an ATM: What They Look Like

ATMs in Thailand are quite similar in appearance to those in other countries. They are usually rectangular machines with digital screens. However, they often have the bank’s colors prominently displayed. Many ATMs are standalone, especially inside malls or next to bank branches. In areas with higher foot traffic, you might also find clusters of ATMs from different banks, providing users with multiple options in one spot.

Language Options

When in a foreign country, language barriers can sometimes make even the simplest tasks more challenging. Thankfully, ATMs in Thailand are designed keeping the global traveler in mind.

How to Find and Select the English Language Option

Upon approaching most ATMs in Thailand, you’ll be greeted with an initial screen that either automatically displays options in both Thai and English or provides a language selection button. Here’s how to proceed:

Initial Screen: If you see the word “English” either at the bottom or on the sides of the main screen, simply touch or press the corresponding button.

Menu Options: Some ATMs first ask for the card and then provide a language selection after reading the card. In this case, once the card is inserted, look for the word “English” and select it.

Symbols to Note: A common symbol for language or settings in many interfaces is a gear or a globe icon. If you’re unsure, this could be a good place to start.

Visual Cues and Symbols to Look Out For

For those unfamiliar with the Thai script, recognizing “English” in Thai can be a challenge. To aid this:

  • The Thai word for English is “อังกฤษ” (Angkrit). While you don’t need to memorize it, spotting a word that looks different from others might indicate a language selection.
  • As mentioned, globe or gear icons can be indicative of language settings.
  • Some ATMs use flags as visual indicators. The Union Jack or the American flag often represents the English language.

Types of Services Offered

While ATMs primarily cater to cash withdrawals, they offer a diverse range of services to accommodate varied banking needs in Thailand.

Cash Withdrawal

The primary function, cash withdrawals, is straightforward. After selecting your language preference:

  1. Enter your PIN.
  2. Choose the “Withdrawal” option from the main menu.
  3. Select or enter the desired amount.
  4. Retrieve your cash and card when prompted.

Balance Inquiry

Curious about your account balance while on the go? Most ATMs provide a balance inquiry feature.

  1. After language selection and entering your PIN, navigate to the “Balance Inquiry” or similarly named option.
  2. The screen will display your current balance. Some ATMs offer a receipt option for this information.

Mobile Top-Up

If you’re using a local prepaid SIM card, ATMs can be a convenient place to recharge:

  1. Navigate to the “Mobile Top-Up” or “Mobile Recharge” option.
  2. Enter your mobile number and select the desired top-up amount.
  3. Confirm the payment.

Bill Payments

For longer stays or those with local obligations, some ATMs allow users to pay bills directly:

  1. Select the “Bill Payment” option from the menu.
  2. You’ll typically need the barcode or reference number from your bill. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter this and confirm payment details.

Charges and Fees of ATMS in Thailand

atms in thailand

One aspect of ATM usage abroad that often catches travelers off guard is the associated fees. Being informed about these charges when using ATMs in Thailand can help you make cost-effective decisions.

Fee TypeDescriptionTypical Cost
Local ATM FeeCharge by Thai ATMs for foreign cards150 to 250 baht per transaction
Home Bank’s Fixed FeeCharge by your bank for international ATM usageVaries by bank
Home Bank’s Percentage FeeA percentage of the transactionVaries by bank

Note: Always check with your specific bank for exact charges.

General Fees for Foreign Card Transactions

When you use a foreign card in a Thai ATM, there are typically two types of fees you might encounter:

Local ATM Fee: Most Thai ATMs charge a transaction fee for foreign cards. This fee can range anywhere from 150 to 250 baht per transaction. It’s charged directly by the local bank and is deducted from the withdrawal amount.

Your Home Bank’s Fee: Apart from the local fee, your own bank might charge you for international ATM usage. This could be a fixed fee, a percentage of the transaction, or sometimes both. It’s essential to check with your bank beforehand to understand these charges.

Differences Between Local Banks in Charges

Different Thai banks might have slightly varying fees for foreign card transactions. While the difference might not be vast, regular users could benefit from knowing which banks offer the most competitive rates.

Tips to Minimize Fees

To optimize your ATM usage and minimize fees:

  • Withdraw Larger Amounts Less Frequently: Instead of multiple small withdrawals, consider taking out a more substantial amount less often. This can reduce the number of times you’re charged a transaction fee.
  • Check for Partner Banks: Some banks have international partnerships that allow reduced or waived fees for ATM transactions. It’s worth checking if your home bank has any such arrangements in Thailand.
  • Consider a Local Account: If you’re in Thailand for an extended period, it might be economical to open a local bank account. This could save on foreign transaction fees in the long run.

Safety Precautions

Using ATMs, especially in a foreign country, demands a certain level of vigilance to ensure the security of your transactions and protect your financial information.

How to Safely Use ATMs in Public Spaces

  • Choose Well-Lit, Busy Locations: Opt for ATMs in well-lit areas with regular foot traffic. Avoid machines in secluded or poorly lit places, especially during nighttime.
  • Shield Your PIN: Always use your hand or body to shield the keypad when entering your PIN to prevent any prying eyes or hidden cameras from capturing it.
  • Check for Tampering: Before using an ATM, give a quick check. If something looks out of place, or if any part of the ATM moves when you touch it, consider using another machine.

Recognizing and Avoiding Card Skimmers

Card skimming devices are used by criminals to capture data from your card’s magnetic stripe. To avoid them:

  • Inspect the Card Slot: Check for any unusual attachments or anomalies on the card insertion slot. Skimming devices often sit on top of the genuine slot.
  • Look for Suspicious Cameras: Tiny cameras can sometimes be placed to record PIN entries. Always check for any unusual devices or objects positioned to view the keypad.
  • Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, it might very well be. Trust your gut feeling and use another ATM if in doubt.

What to Do if Your Card is Retained

Occasionally, ATMs might retain your card due to various reasons. If this happens:

  • Stay Calm: Panicking won’t help the situation. Stay calm and think rationally.
  • Contact the Bank Immediately: If the ATM is attached to a bank branch, go in and inform them immediately. If it’s a standalone machine, call the bank’s helpline, which is usually displayed on the ATM.
  • Notify Your Home Bank: Inform your bank about the situation. They can provide guidance on the next steps, which might include blocking the card.

Common Issues & Solutions

Every seasoned traveler knows that unforeseen challenges can arise, even with something as routine as ATM usage. Being informed about common issues and their solutions can alleviate potential stress.

Declined Transactions: Potential Reasons

If your card is declined at an ATM, it could be due to a few reasons:

Insufficient Funds: Ensure you have adequate funds in your account for the desired withdrawal and associated fees.

Incorrect PIN: Triple-check your PIN before entering. Repeated incorrect attempts might block your card.

Bank Restrictions: Some banks have restrictions on international withdrawals or set daily withdrawal limits. It’s a good idea to inform your bank about your travel plans beforehand.

Network Issues: Occasionally, network issues can prevent successful transactions. If you suspect this is the case, wait a bit and try again or use another ATM.

Communication with Local Banks

If you encounter persistent issues, reaching out to the local bank whose ATM you’re using can be helpful. They might provide insights into the problem or suggest a solution.

Helpline Numbers: Most ATMs display a helpline number or customer service number. Jot it down and give them a call.

English Support: Major Thai banks typically offer customer service in English, especially for international card-related queries.

Reporting Lost or Stolen Cards

Misplacing a card or falling victim to theft is distressing. Here’s what to do:

  1. Report Immediately: The sooner you report a lost or stolen card, the better. Call your bank’s customer service immediately.
  2. Block the Card: Request the bank to block your card to prevent unauthorized usage.
  3. Local Police Report: If your card was stolen, it’s wise to file a report with the local police. This can be useful for insurance claims and for your bank’s records.

Related: Emergency Numbers in Thailand: What You Need To Know

Tips for a Smooth ATM Experience in Thailand

For many, using an ATM in a foreign country is a routine process. Yet, a few tailored tips can elevate this experience, making it more efficient and trouble-free in Thailand.

Currency Familiarity

  • Know the Denominations: Thai Baht, the local currency, comes in various denominations. Familiarize yourself with the notes to ensure you’re withdrawing what you intend to.
  • Request Specific Amounts: Some ATMs allow you to choose exact amounts, helping you get the denominations you prefer.

Optimal Timing

  • Avoid Peak Hours: If possible, avoid using ATMs during peak hours or weekends, especially in tourist-heavy areas. Early morning or late evening might offer quicker access.

Receipts and Records

  • Always Take Receipts: Even if you typically avoid ATM receipts, consider taking them in Thailand. They can be helpful for tracking expenses, verifying charges, or addressing potential disputes.
  • Note Down Transactions: Jot down or digitally record ATM transactions. It can be useful for reconciling with your bank statement later.

Pre-travel Preparations

  • Inform Your Bank: Before traveling, inform your bank about your visit to Thailand. This can prevent unexpected blocks due to “unusual activity” alerts.
  • Know Your International Helpline: Keep your bank’s international helpline number handy. It’s invaluable in case of emergencies or issues.

Backup Options

  • Carry Multiple Cards: If possible, have more than one card with you. Different cards (Mastercard, Visa, etc.) might offer varied success rates at different ATMs.
  • Have Some Cash: While relying on ATMs is convenient, always have a small amount of cash as a backup. It’s useful in places that might not accept cards or if you encounter ATM issues.

Related: Cost of Living in Thailand: An Essential 2024 Guide

ABOUT Frederik

Frederik has been a pivotal part of the Thai community since 2013. As our trusted Relocation Expert, he combines personal experience with professional knowledge, guiding newcomers through the nuances of Thai relocation. When he's not assisting, Frederik immerses himself in Thailand's culture, cuisine and his many pets.

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